From brand rights to brand security.

GMO Brights Consulting Co., Ltd.
From May 11, 2022, we have changed our company name to GMO Brand Security, Inc.

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From the age of protecting brands with rights to brand security

Since its establishment in 2004, GMO Brights Consulting has been providing services-centered on the rights-making business of trademarks and domain names.
Nowadays, with the technological advances and popularizations of the Internet, everything has become DX and on-line, and branding in the Internet is now essential to companies.
Furthermore, many companies are required to protect their brands in new Internet domains, such as new cyberspace called the "next-generation Internet," and this trend is expected to accelerate in the future.
Brand protection is shifting from brand rights to brand security for all types of brand damage.

Role as GMO Internet Group

GMO Internet Group has provided a variety of social infrastructures through the Internet under the slogan "Internet for All."
Along with the maturation of the Internet, we are expanding the range of businesses we provide, and we are now developing not only Internet infrastructure businesses but also Internet advertising and media businesses, Internet financial businesses, and cryptographic assets (virtual currency) businesses.
In the future, we have positioned our "brand security" as one of the three pillars of our security business, next to information security and cyber security, and have formulated a policy to aggressively develop security solutions on the Internet.

As a member of GMO Internet Group, under the new corporate name of "GMO Brand Security," we will support maximizing the brand value of our customers and aim to become a company that is at the core of GMO Internet Group's brand security business.

Group of brand security professionals

As a "Professional Group of Brand Security," we will continue to provide all kinds of solutions by visualizing threats and risks to various brands in an ever-changing Internet society.

We are committed to providing brand security, which is the overwhelming number-one service, in order to keep our brand assets on the Internet in a safe state and to contribute to the enhancement of our company brand value and the development of sound socioeconomic activities. We look forward to your continued support.

May 11, 2022
GMO Brand Security, Inc.
Representative Director and President
Mitsuaki Nakagawa

Three promises


As the No. 1 branded security company, we contribute to the "safety" and "safety" of society.


We will continue to pursue optimal brand security and strive to achieve it.


We visualize threats and risks and provide all solutions to protect your brand.

What is our concept of brand security?

Keeping brand assets secure and communicating with all stakeholders.
We believe that it is important to maintain and continue safe and secure communication.

Changes in the external environment on the Internet

Our brand assets

Two Perspectives on Brand Security

Understanding inherent risks

Identification and management of diversifying brand assets

Response to external risks

Visualize risks and implement avoidance and mitigation measures

Brand security services we provide

Brand security business

GMO Enforce 1

GMO Enforce 1
Internet brand threat protection

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Brand Monitoring Service

Brand monitoring service
Detection and deletion of counterfeit products

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Trademark business

GMO Trademark Quick Search

GMO Trademark Quick Search
Quick delivery and low cost overseas trademark search

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Trademark management system

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Domain name business

GMO Domain Doctor

GMO Domain Doctor
Initial diagnosis of domain name management

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Domain name management

Domain name management
Support for building a domain name management system

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Domain surveillance

Domain surveillance
Efficient detection and monitoring of malicious domains

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Owned media


Focusing primarily on the intellectual property aspect,
Deliver brand news

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