Brand monitoring service

Brand Monitoring Service

Detection & deletion of counterfeit products on websites, SNS accounts and EC sites that threaten brands.

“Novel” coronavirus
Transmutation by

While the demand for the Internet is increasing rapidly due to Corona, along with that, fake sites, fake SNS accounts, and the distribution of fake products gain doing.
As the importance of the Internet increases, it becomes a catalyst for brand damage.
Infringing Risk management is essential is.

Data ①

Number of reported phishing scams

Created by our company from the Anti-Phishing Association

The demand for the Internet has increased due to the influence of the coronavirus,
phishing is significantly increased doing.

Data ②

Number of companies whose brand names were misused by phishing

APWG, "Phishing Activity Trends Report" Created by us from

In addition, companies whose brand names were actually abused by phishing increasing tendency is in

Fake site

Fake account


Since the loss of trust in the brand leads to a decline in sales, websites and other infringing activities cannot be overlooked.


In response to the increasing number of brand infringements,
maintain brand credibility "Reliable information transmission" to do,
brand infringement always "Surveillance" and appropriately "Risk Elimination" is necessary.

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Bland Monitoring Service

Service overview

One-stop support service for "Monitoring" brand infringement and
"Risk Elimination" of brand infringement.



Get data from websites all over the world and store information in database,
flags are attached according to the risk rank by AI, etc.

Risk Elimination

Risk Elimination

For risky sites confirmed by users, take action such as sending a warning letter.

Service flow

Choose your monitoring brand,
channel and plan and anytime can be monitored.

Our strength

In addition to systems that can eliminate risk from monitoring, experienced members support your company's risk management.

The monitored area covers all major websites worldwide, EC site and SNS site cover doing.
​Batch monitoring is possible without using multiple services.

From "Monitoring" to "Risk elimination", it is possible to respond in a one-stop system.
Customers only need to select the target for risk elimination, we will send the warning letter.

Experienced member will check your status and we will provide easy-to-understand points for strategic planning and risk elimination regarding monitoring targets.
​Supports effective risk management.

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Rate plan

Website monitoring

EC site monitoring

SNS site monitor

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