Working together on brand security

GMO brand security
Director (and Chief Technology Officer)

Toshinari Yamashita

"What kind of work do engineers at GMO Brand Security do?" Yamashita will answer your question.

1. What kind of work did you do before joining Brand Security?

I participated in the launch of a venture since I was a student. It was a period called the venture bubble, so I was able to experience many things. I wore a suit to college, so people around me treated me like a weirdo. After that, the service I created unexpectedly took off, so I received a few job offers, but after graduating I didn't find a job and was involved in company management and development all the time. I have been involved in various development sites, from the development of our own products to resident tasks at customer sites.
I joined GMO Brand Security because I wanted to work for a solid company for once.

2. What is it like to actually work at Brand Security?

To be honest, I was puzzled by the cultural gap for the first few years. Although it is a venture company, GMO Brand Security has been working with many large corporate clients, so I think I learned a lot in all aspects of business management, business management, and development management. Since it is a consulting company, non-engineers were also sensitive, and as a result, I think that it was a workplace that was easy to get used to. Also, I was able to work and see the world from a perspective of "brand security" that I had never had before.

3. Please tell us about the actual job content of an engineer.

Very simply, write code and release it.
Conversely, I believe that my job, the job of the CTO, is to create an environment in which people can concentrate on that.
Since we are completely serverless, we do not currently have someone awake 24 hours a day to monitor whether the server is down. Since the development team is originally small in number, we cannot allocate resources to such things. We are always aiming to build a stable infrastructure.
As a team, we are distributed in Tokyo, Osaka, and Ho Chi Minh City, and communicate via Slack. When we are Japanese, we use Japanese, but when we are Vietnamese, we communicate in English. The composition of the team is kept as flat as possible, and each person independently works on coding and code review.

4.Please tell us what brand security engineers are aiming for in the next 5 or 10 years.

I believe that my mission as CTO was to shift from an on-premises environment and legacy code to a modern development system such as cloud, serverless, and DevOps. Some parts are still in progress, but the prospect is standing. I hope that this development system will last for another five years, but the world moves very quickly, so the development system I created will sooner or later become obsolete.
I think that the person who proposes the next development system and takes the initiative in implementing it as a leader will probably be the next person in my position. Ten years from now, I will ask him. Perhaps most of the code will be written by artificial intelligence, or no-code will permeate and the work of engineers will change completely.

5.What kind of people would you like to work with?

There is also the idea that we are friends because we work together. People always have surprises. In particular, it's strange that the impressions and information that you have at the beginning persist, so there are many times when you think, "Wow?" while working together. I don't think we'll be able to reach the point where we can call each other friends unless we build up time by rubbing those things together. I think that each other will think "Oh?" I don't want you to give up when that happens. Otherwise, I can't be a friend, and I don't think I can do a good job.

6. What would you say to your future colleagues in brand security?

Maybe it's because I've lived through the dark, crazy times and noisy bubbly times, but I'm very happy to be in a season where I can calmly devote myself to something. I am deeply grateful every day that I am able to calmly devote myself to the work of system development at this company. If you want to achieve or protect something as an engineer or as an adult in 5- or 10-year increments, I hope that you will come and knock on the door of GMO Brand Security.

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